D Magazine – What To Drink Now: Sweet Wines
30 janvier 2019

Sticky and sweet, Sauternes reigns as the formidable dessert wine. Crafted from botrytised grapes, or noble rot, in the heart of the Bordeaux region. The process leaves ripe grapes to rest on the vine well past their natural harvest date, allowing a slight mold or noble rot to form on the grapes, concentrating the fruit, that when finally picked is very sweet, almost syrupy and divine. Premier Cru Supérieur Château d’Yquem ($800, Pogo’s) reigns as the finest from the region, but more affordable options, like caramel, nectarine, and candied lemon filled Chateau Coutet ($40, Total Wine) deliver a divine wine that will please most palates.
Haley Hamilton Cogill