
Decanter – Sweet and fortified wines for the Christmas

16 November 2020

How to serve and preserve They’re among the best value, and most delicious, wines in the world. But there can still be uncertainty among wine lovers around how best to enjoy these classic and characterful styles. Anne Krebiehl MW asks the experts for their food-pairing tips. We all know what to do with white, red, […]

Challenges – Bordeaux : c’est le moment d’encaver

12 November 2020

Château Coutet 2019: Il ne faut pas faire l’impasse sur les liquoreux de 2019, ils sont magnifiques. Comme ce premier cru classé de Barsac, qui allie si bien fraîcheur et fruité éclatant avec ses notes de fruist exotiques. déjà délicieux, il le sera encore dans vingt-cinq ans sur des nuances plus confites. Gérard Muteaud

The World of Fine Wine – 2016 Bordeaux: Class for another area

4 November 2020

Château Coutet 2016: 94/100 There’s rich apricot fruit on the nose, and the oak is well-integrated, giving polish to the aromas. The attack is vivid and bright, leading to a very concentrated palate. There’s an immediacy here, almost an assault on the palate, and the oak is quite prominent, but there’s nothing clumsy about the […]

Decanter – Anson: How to blind taste Bordeaux wines

30 October 2020

Château Coutet 2009: 96/100 On clay over limestone soils, relatively cool compared to Sauternes, this has a purity and freshness that is striking and moreish. Full of the quince, candied orange, truffle, apricot and lemon curd that you hope for in a quality sweet Bordeaux, coupled with lime blossom, ginger and citrus zest adding poise […]

Jancis – Bordeaux 2018 in bottle, part 1 – Médoc and sweet whites

28 October 2020

Château Coutet 2018 – 17/20 Deep gold. Highly spiced, smelling of burnished gold and a touch of mushroom. So intense but also notably fresh for this vintage. Ripe, broad and full of oranges and apricots. Julia Harding & Tom Parker

Owen Bargreen – Château Coutet

27 October 2020

One of the great dessert wines of the world, Chateau Coutet is one of two premier cru class estates in Barsac. Shortly after graduating from college I first sampled their 1998 Chateau Coutet — a wine that was simply magical considering the challenges of the vintage. What sets Chateau Coutet above many of its peers […]

Wein Gabriel – Rund Hundertährige Sauternes

16 October 2020

Château Coutet 1917 : 19/20 Leuchtendes Gold-Gelb mit kupferrotem Schimmer. Wirkt jünger als sene Altersvorgabe. Viel Dörraprikosen in der Nase, Akazienhonig, die Frucht vermittelt einen tropicalen Schimmer, möglicherweise so in Richtung Mango und Papaya. Im Gaumen gibt er sich als typischer Barsac. Saftig, leicht, balanciert, frisch, fast tänzerisch. Ein zeitloser Jungbrunnen. 19/20 trinken. René Gabriel

Le Point – Bordeaux 2019 : Nos meilleures notes

15 October 2020

Château Coutet 2019 : 16,5/20 Floral, poire, pomelo, très équilibré, long sur la fraîcheur, finale relevée. Jacques Dupont

The World of Fine Wine – 2019 Bordeaux: Splendor in a Tragedy-Tinged year

5 October 2020

Château Coutet 2019- 95-98/100 A lovely nose already, refined and, typically, mineral-backed; beautifully balanced, freshly defined, concentrated midweight wine; very sweet, silken textured, long, subtle, graceful, lemon-tinged, limestone-scented Sauternes; refined, rich, yet oh-so-subtle, with great length of aftertaste. Wonderfully detailed, racy, effortlessly complete wine with enormous class. A great, long-term, but immediately accessible, Coutet. Fabulous […]